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Natan is a dancer, somatic movement & expressive arts educator/therapist, and
Tamalpa Practitioner.

(Visit tamalpa.org for more information
about the Tamalpa Institute.)


I’m not so interested in “Dance.”

I’m more interested in what happens to us
when we dance.

I’m interested in normal people learning more about their bodies, having intimate experiences with themselves, discovering new possibilities and ways of being, accessing their creativity.. . more interested in the Spirit of Art-making and Learning than the picture on the wall.

I’m interested in Art Experiences that facilitate expression, creativity, joy, curiosity, collaboration, a more ALIVENESS; a vibrancy that carries over into all aspects of life.

I’m more interested in process than product.

I’m interested in deep play.


I’m interested in what happens between people when they create together; what emerges in relationship and in connection as a result of the creative process. And in the spaces, environments, conditions that facilitate creativity and ways to facilitate more creative communities — and a culture with more possibility.


I’m interested in normal people using art as a way to make meaning in their lives.


I’m interested in Artistic Expression as a political act in the face of conformity, oppression and totalitarianism.

I’m interested in the relationship between Creativity and Health.

I’m interested in dancing to connect with Nature and Spirit.


I’m interested in dancing to feel more alive, to feel more myself, to more deeply inhabit my bodymind
and my life.